Day Two Training
2 of 4
1 hour min
Each Day
Account Manager
Position To Be Achieved
My Current Position
What Will Be Learned
- Services Detail
- Compare and Contrast
- Customer Discovery
- Proposals
Welcome To Training
- Day Two
- Service Detail -
- Hosting <
- Websites <
- Marketing <
- Compare & Contrast -
- Customer Discovery -
- Proposals -
Services Detail
Lets Review
Remember from Day One the brief service explanation. Today we will look at each of these in more detail.
Websites are “Hosted” from hard drives connected to the internet and we call these servers. We use server farms that are shared facilities by many companies.
Websites are hosted from our servers and we provide a complete solution to our customers. Their is no website that we can not build.
Online marketing and websites are one in the same. Because of this we also manage the online marketing of our customers.
By The Book
A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for other servers located in their data center. Wikipedia
Terms To Know
This is a hard drive that is connected to the internet 24/7, most often housed at a data center maintained by that server farm support.
Data Center
Data Centers are the locations that the server Hard Drives are all housed and connected to the internet. The data centers we use are in Arizona, the parent third party maintenance is done by either Rackspace and/or Endurance Inc.
The amount of data transferred between your website and the visitor. When your site is visited a small portion of our allotted bandwidth is used.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is an American multistakeholder group and nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces and numerical spaces of the Internet, ensuring the network’s stable and secure operation. Wikipedia
Security Certificate – SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and its successor, TLS (Transport Layer Security), are protocols for establishing secure links between networked computers. SSL
Email Hosting
The same hosting enviroment that houses the customers website is also the same space that houses the customers email. Depending on the customers market makes the difference on what email hosting we provide them. Some fields require more security i.e. Doctors and HIPAA require more than Big Johns Beef Jerky.
Take A Tour of A Data Center
With CBS Sunday Morning
Hosting Pricing is as follows
Domain Name Management
Unlimited Space / Bandwith
Business Email Account
Google Analytics Reviews
SEO Marketing Plan
Customized Visitor Reports
Expert Business Consultant
Domain Name Management
Unlimited Space / Bandwith
Business Email Account
Google Analytics Reviews
SEO Marketing Plan
Customized Visitor Reports
Expert Business Consultant
Domain Name Management
Unlimited Space / Bandwith
Business Email Account
Google Analytics Reviews
SEO Marketing Plan
Customized Visitor Reports
Expert Business Consultant
Website development and design
A website are the files that have been encoded as websites that are housed on your server at a data center. We build all of our websites in-house and use no third party templates.
Types of Websites
These are the two most common of the many types of websites that can be built.
People Encoded
This is a proprietary encoded website. This can be super large or super small. All static websites are positioned as a custom solution to very unique scenarios. The word static is used because the pages your browser sees are actually static and will not change based on user interactions *. All edits must be done in code by a developer.
Reduced Cost
Less Feature Support Risks
Lengthy Shelf Life
No User Login or Management
No Feature Add-Ons
No Continuous Update
Server Encoded
These are CMS websites like WordPress, the most commonly used CMS website in the world. These CMS websites are basic frameworks for higher level functionality that is created through opensource collaboration. This is a free framework that we than use to create a unique look and specific functionality for the customer.
High Level Functionality
Many Feature Add-Ons
User Management
Increased Cost For Design
Shorter Shelf Life 3 -5 years
More Server Maintance
* static sites still may contain dynamic function but will never change the code on the server. The code on the server will always be static. Watch the Basics Of Static vs Dynamic video below to understand more on this topic.
These are very over simplified explanations of static and dynamic websites. Below is some helpful information to create distinctions between the two.
Basics Of Static vs Dynamic
Funny , but oh so true. The idea of dynamic content is crucial to survival on the internet. Search engines , Google namely will always give dynamic content higher link equity than that of static content.
Detailed Explanation
Follow along the best you can. He GOES DEEP into the difference between an actual static based website vs a Dynamic based website such as WordPress. Much is outside a beginner lever development, but take note of the trade off in security , time , and Search Engine Optimization.
Static Website Cost
$995 – $2,000
Price Points
Average Prices, May Vary Depending On Project
Dynamic Website Cost
$2,000 – $4,000
Website Costs, Beginning and Continuing
Website costs are quoted on the amount of time that it will take to complete the project. This time is forecast by All EDI at the request of a proposal. When development goes outside of that proposed project details those effort will be charged to the customer.
In reference a Website is much like a Car, it needs maintenance and repair to keep larger future costs down. If the customer breaks their website it is the same as if they wrecked their car. It must be repaired at the cost of that repair time.
All websites get old and functionality begins to decline. This creates problems with security and search engine ranking.
Average life of a website
3 - 5 years
The best websites get redesigned every 18 months or sooner.
This is a marketing summary and will only go over the marketing expectations that we provide to the customer and list of marketing services we offer.
We only promote for return
Any marketing provided from All EDI is positioned to return the desired results. Because of this we must be able to track results. Again, this is NOT “we give you the tools, good luck”. We provide a complete solution to success and if not tracked we will have no way to measure that return.

All website traffic and acquisition is preformed by Google Analytics. This provides us information such as visitor numbers, demographics like age, interests, location and others. This is a FREE service from Google and we will not charge for the use of another FREE service. We will charge for implementation and consultation within a greater marketing campaign utilizing Google Analytics.
F.A.Q - Do we charge monthly for S.E.O
Answer: NO
(Search Engine Optimization) S.E.O is the processes of obtaining traffic to your website through search ranking. NOT to be confused with search engine marketing S.E.M , that is the process of paid advertisements to obtain visitors to your website. They are not connected in any way.
S.E.O , is obtained through the actions of a proper encoded website, and use of peripheral websites such as Facebook and YouTube to increase your brand (Website) online footprint. Each online action tied into your website will increase your websites Link Equity.
*NOTE: If built properly your website should not need a constant S.E.O maintenance , other companies will charge monthly. This does not help , and only hurt the customer financially in their most crucial moments at beginning their company.
What is Link Equity ?
Sometimes referred to as “Link Juice” is the amount of value associated to a link. Specifically the interchange between two links. This value is attributed to your websites page, link. If you have a presence on YouTube that links back to your website and it is getting a lot of views and clicks back to your website than the Link Equity for that website page is increased.
These link values are only part of the greater search algorithms.
You will hear people mention different names for Google Search Algorithm i.e. Panda , Penguin , Hummingbird, Pigeon , PayDay , etc etc … These are not individual search systems, only updates to the greater search evolution.
Much like Coca-Cola and their secret recipe Google does not share the details of how their search algorithm works. Only sharing small updates and end results. Understanding and manipulation comes from the greater S.E.O community and reverse engineering.
Search Engine Journal collects these updates and Google announcements and lists them at he link below. It’s a good place to bypass the rumors and get the latest known facts.
Types Of Online Marketing
Search Engine
The Network
These are only a few types of online marketing but will consist of the majority of marketing that you will handle.
Remember, you will learn the details of online marketing as a member of the All EDI team over time. In the beginning if a customer has questions or concern about their marketing strategy please involve a Business Developer in the project to assist.
End of Service Detail , take a break before we move on and ask any questions?
Compare and Contrast
What differentiates All EDI from other website hosting and marketing companies.
Large hosting companies can not create profit through a hands on uniqe solution per cusotmer. Their finacial model allows for generalities. In general a majority of website customers need X , so they will offer product X. This leaves out the thousands of website customers that do not need or want to learn how to use product X.
Additionally they can not forecast a complete solution for their
Freelance website designers can easily undercut any companies cost by substituting it with their free time. These sites never last for long as the designer is often forced into another field unable to support the website the built over time. These customers will turn to use for help when their original website begins to malfunction or needs updates.
We’ve been making websites since 1999 only creating All EDI in 2008. We’re not going anywhere.
Customer Discovery
You need to make a friend. When discovering what it will take to create the most success online for your customer you need to first understand what that cusrtomer is trying to achieve online.
Customer Website Goals
This is a website that has the goal of informing visitors of a specific topic. A community service, health and safety , Wikipedia.
Sites like Shopify and Ebay, these are focused on sales of products via a shopping cart.
When you want to get new sign ups or schedule appointments you’ll need a good websites that is focused on converting visitors.
What are your customer goals online. It will often be a mix of the above each at varying degrees. It will be your job to find the point of return and make sure their online presence is built to capture those desires.
Proposals have already been created and can be found within your canva account.
If you must modify a proposal significantly outside of the price please have it approved by a business developer before you send to the customer. When editing a proposal for a customer it looks better if you replace the image with customer specific images that reflect the project. Please ask for help when you need it.
All redesign and larger project must have a proposal sent and agreed to, this proposal needs to be attached to the work order and submitted for the job to be scheduled and paid upon completion.
Day Three
Demonstration Day
- Scenarios
- What would you do?
- Making A Friend
- Asking For Money!